Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating a Drill Query

Create a drill query either by dragging the Drill Query tool onto a segment or by selecting New > Drill Query.


  1. From the Data Explorer pane select your column and drag it onto the Drill Query.
note: in line Engineering columns cannot be used.
  1. Equals appears as the default operator. Click the drop-down arrow next to select a different operator.

Drill Query only supports combinations of AND between elements, and will therefore only display contextually supported operators for each column types

TEXT: =, <>, Like, IN, EQ, NE

OTHERS: =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, Between, IN, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE

note: All records that are filtered out will potentially be added to the Null Count, therefore display of nulls is not supported in this tool. Therefore as defined above, the Is Null, and Is Not Null operators are not supported and the Null value will never be displayed.
  1. Select your query criteria, by clicking in the box next to your operator. The values available for that column are shown.
  2. Select a value by clicking on the Count and then the icon. Note that you can add more than one value to your selection in this way.
  3. Click off the value selection box.
  4. To add more columns to a drill query, Repeat steps one to five.

You will see a change in the count for the row above when you have added new columns, for example:

When all columns have been added, click Run to see the final count.

If you make any amendments to the columns used within the Drill Query, for example deleting a column then this will blank the values and counts of any rows underneath the amended column. For example:

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